您当前的位置:首页 » 欢迎光临青岛明任派(花边)服饰有限公司
明仕派服饰(花边)有限公司坐落于风景秀丽的海滨城市--青岛。公司专业生产经营各种蕾丝花边,公司拥有的设计、生产队伍及先进的生产设备。公司主要产品:水溶花边、网布花边、纯棉花边、经编花边。 本公司本着质量为本、用户至上的原则,努力为制衣业、玩具业、抽纱业等相关纺织业提供全面、优质的配套服务,以客户所需为己任是我们的经营宗旨,欢迎广大客户惠顾。The company introduces: our company is that speciality prooduce lace wesve the production take manufacturer the company produces The goods has;cotton thread lace;cotton clth lace;the water lace dissolves;lace of flannelette;lei lace and so on. specially for underwear,factory of modern fashion in dreess and drawnwork,make shoes and wait to be interrelated the enterprise carry supply and serve the shop predict. our company didn’t prepare and is all computer machine, hold the door and may choose the sample of our company,my department in a ministry may recognize accoding to the customer and ask to design the sample and beater,welcome throughou...[详细介绍]
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